He had had polio, a crippling and killing disease, when he was young.
Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccination.
Actually, he was thought to have polio, but in 2003, scientist found that he didn't have polio, but a rare disease called Landry-Guillain-Barre syndrome, which acts almost like polio in the way that it tricks the immune system into attacking healthy cells in the nervous system, this is called autoimmune disorder.
Polio is a word that can mean one of two things, the virus or the disease The Polio disease which you are referring to is called poliomyelitis. The organism that causes it is a viral organism (virus). The name of the virus that causes poliomyelitis (polio disease) is called Poliovirus. The virus is a normal RNA virus from the Picornaviridae and genus enterovirus family.
polio is a disease caused by the poliovirus
She had polio in her left foot. Polio was a crippling disease that had no cure.
polio is a microbal disease itr is caused by viruses
Polio is not an inherited disease; it is an infectious disease caused by a virus.
Polio has no size, It's a disease.
Polio is NOT hereditary. It is caused by a virus, poliovirus, that is highly contagious. A vaccine exists to prevent catching the disease.
If you can get all the children of your locality polio vaccinated, there is least liklihood of future generation having contacted polio disease. By this way the impact of polio vaccination is immese. By rigorous polio vaccination drive, India has been declared by WHO as polio free country for two consecutive years.