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Q: Why must consideration be sufficient but not adequate?
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Consideration need not be adequate but must sufficient or valuable discuss?

consideration need NOT be adequate but must be sufficient.

Adequacy of consideration?

sufficient is used when we suggest a close meeting of a need . adequate may imply barely meeting a requirement . (Webster)

What is the amount of consideration that must be paid in an implied contract?

Consideration is the price paid for a promise and comprises three rules viz.It must be sufficient and not adequate;Must be of some economical value;Must move from the promisee.It is with the first of these notions that the question is concerned. It has been held in the past that a widow may remain in possession of a house by paying a value of £1 (Thomas v. Thomas (1842) 2 Q.B. 851) It was held that the amount was inadequate but none the less sufficient. It is a matter of fact as to what the court will consider sufficient, this is no different if the contract is express or implied. It is suggested that even a nominal amount will suffice.

What is adequate rainfall?

Adequate means sufficient or enough.

What is a synonym for sufficient that starts with a?

Adequate is a synonym for Sufficient that begins with a.

What 2 things must happen for a solute to dissolve in a solvent?

The bonds between ions or molecules of the solvate must be broken. The solvent must be in a sufficient amount and an adequate temperature.

What is the definition adequate?

enough or sufficient

What is the meaning of liquor is adequate in pregnancy?

it means the amniotic fluid is sufficient/adequate.

When installing cabling within the drop ceiling of a building what is an important factor that must be taken into consideration?

That the cable trays are sufficient.

What part of speech is sufficient?

The word sufficient is an adjective. It means to be adequate or enough.

What does consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate mean?

It means that although consideration must provide some benefit to the promisor or detriment to the promisee, these do not however have a great deal. Providing something is given in return for a promise, it does not matter that it is not much, or not what the promise would usually be considered worth.Courts would not inquire into the adequacy of consideration so long as there are some. The reason for this rule is due to the old idea of freedom of contract, which required that the parties themselves should be allowed to make bargains that suit them without interference from courts.

What is an adjective which means adequate to accomplish a purpose?

An adjective that means adequate to accomplish a purpose is sufficient.