It could damage the sensitive brain tissue causing brain damage or worse.
"Potentially risky food" is food that might be unsafe to eat, but you don't know for sure whether that is the case.
I have one on my back, and yes you can get it removed (my Doctor has told me) but it is risky depending on how big it is.
That sounds risky - it might get stuck, and you might need to go to a hospital to get it out again. Somewhat dangerous... as well as embarrasing.
Risky investments make the company more vulnerable towards the market frictions. If the company is making risky investments - shareholders and debt-holders might require higher rate of return on their capital. Basically, the riskier the investment the more costly it is for the business.
Highly unlikely - as that would involve a risky operation under general anaesthetic.
Yes you can send money to soldiers but it will be risky robbers might get it BUT they might not so it's up to you! save or send?
I don't think so because if you do it might be risky if there no payment letter
Not unless you have an 800+ gallon tank and even that might be risky.
Something risky that might get you or other drivers injured. One example is tailgating the car in front of you.
Something risky that might get you or other drivers injured. One example is tailgating the car in front of you.
No it Isn't Risky is an adjective