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I think it's because when you breath through your mouth or nose, all the air goes back against your throat and dries it out, making it dry and sore. Ouch!! A sure way to cure it is a cold glass of water or a spoonful of honey.

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13y ago

The nose warms and moisturizes the air you breath in. It could be that the cool dry air coming directly from the mouth is drying the throat and irritating it.

Alternately, it could be that the reason for the mouth breathing is that the nasal passages are stuffy and mucus from them is dripping into the throat at night when you lie back (post nasal drip). This can be irritating.

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10y ago

This is likely because you have been breathing in your sleep with your mouth open, which is common for snorers. Humans naturally do most of their breathing through their nose, as the nose filters the bacteria out of the breathable oxygen. You might be finding your nose being blocked while you are asleep, which can be prevented with some vapour products, such as vapour nose strips which stick onto the top of your nose while you sleep to keep your nose passageways clear. You could also try sleeping in a different position to the one you normally do.

Apart from snoring, it is also possible that your bedroom is too dry. lack of humidity in the air can cause dryness in your throat, You can correct this with a humidifier or by leaving the window open just a crack.

it is also possible that it may be gastro-oesophageal reflux. It's similar to a heartburn where acid from the stomach seeps into the oesophagus. This is commonly caused by eating close to your bedtime or laying too flat.

You can see a doctor if you are concerned.

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Q: Why might a person who breathes through his or her mouth at night tend to have a sore throat in the morning?
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