There are several possible reasons for a guy to avoid you. He might find you annoying or possibly frightening. He might merely be uninterested in you and therefore spends his time with people who interest him more. Maybe he thinks that you have some committment to some other person, such as your husband, and he doesn't want to get in the way.
If someone is trying to avoid you, they may: --leave the room or area whenever you show up --if they called/emailed you before, they no longer do so, even when you ask them to contact you --mutual friends do not bring this person up in conversations with you --the persons' good friends may also appear to be avoiding you --the person tends to look away whenever you try to meet their gaze or will continuously be talking to other people, possibly other girls --suprisingly not be at places/events that they always have went to in the past
well you make that girl look like a terrible person. then the guy will simply ignore the other girl and you will have a chance to get to him.
Ignore them. You may want to warn your friend about her, but stay cool and ignore her.
=you should just be flirty with him and kinda of ignore him for a bit and see what he does and if he doesn't bite then he might not be the rite 1 but if you ignore him for a little bit he will come after you=
I know (from personal experiences), that when you see the guy you like with another girl, you're going to get jealous. You don't really have to do anything in this type of situation, just ignore what you saw, and that's it.
still talk to her or she will slap you
This girl may dislike a guy for admitting feelings or mayby she might have for the guy.
Ignore her.
hi im alein x boy;hello girl;walks awy so ignore them
Well, the guy may just be afraid of being rejected so he ignores you. He may be embarrassed of rejection. He could have low self-esteem. :)
There could be many reasons... He may think that the girl doens't like him back and believes that there is no point in chasing a girl that doesn't like him; he may not actually like her; he may be playing "hard to get"; he may have natural feelings for her but really not want to for various reasons so tries to ignore his feelings; he might like someone else as well or have a girlfriend; the girl could have a boyfriend; he could be ver busy with other things.
ignore him too !
When they forget that they don't like you and try to talk to you, you ignore them. When they try to be mean to you, ignore them. Ignore their body language to you.