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It is important because the individual can dispose of the medication

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Q: Why it is important to observe that an individual has taken the medication?
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How you would check that the individual had taken their medication?

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How is glutethimide taken?

The medication is taken orally and dosage is on an individual basis, however, the most common dosage is 500mg (mg = milligrams) at bedtime.

Why is it important to give medication on time?

It helps regulate the release and dosage of medication in our body/ bloodstream. Although some medication are good to be taken with an empty stomach and some medication needs to be taken with food, so it is important to read and educate one-self with there disease, medication, diet and exercise. Remember, it is more expensive to be sick than to be healthy.

How is glutethimide?

The medication is taken orally and dosage is on an individual basis, however, the most common dosage is 500mg (mg = milligrams) at bedtime.

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medication such as sertraline

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Solubility refers to the medications ability to dissolve and be taken up into the blood stream. This is important because if a medication can't be absorbed, the patient won't get the effects of said medication. Often, this is looked at in terms of dosing. If a patient isn't able to absorb 50% of the medication, they may need a higher dosage.

Does anaesthesia interfere with seizure medications?

That is the kind of question that needs to be dealt with by a doctor who knows about the person in question and the type and dosages of medication they are on. People taking medication for epilepsy do have anaesthetics, but it is always important to know what medication is being taken.

Tablets and capsules are absorbed through the stomach or intestines into the?

bloodstream where they can be distributed to different parts of the body for their intended effect. The absorption process can vary based on factors such as the medication's formulation, the individual's digestion, and whether the medication is taken with food.

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When on medication, your pregnacy test may result in false information depending on what type of medication was taken.