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that are snot

It is not snot it is actually your taste-buds that are on your tongue.

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11y ago

The red spots on your tongue are taste buds. Any white parts are from food or dead cells.

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Q: Why is your tongue very slightly white?
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I think i have thrush on your tongue its white right in the middle and very sore and itchie please help?

No, there's nothing on my tongue.

What does it mean if you have a painful white dot on your tongue?

a very unheathly tongue.You need to brush your tongue just as much as your teeth.

Why does a dog have white stripes on tongue?

Why does a dog have white stripes on tongue? Is this nomal?

What is this white ring under your tongue?

I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

Your tongue is slightly white and has circular areas where it looks like chunks of skin are gone. What causes this and what can you do to stop it from happening?

possibly thrush. go see your doctor.

What were tongue scrapers used for in the colonial times?

the colonial apothecaries believes that the white stuff on your tongue was bad germs. the tongue scraper was used to clean the tongue. they placed it at very back of tongue, pressed down, and pulled forwards. then, they cleaned it off, and did the same thing, until the tongue didnt have anything else on it.

How do you change the color of your blue tongue?

That wording isn't very good. change the colour of what? If your talking about Blue Tongue Lizards, they connot change colour but it may change slightly as they get older. (like any animals would)

Tongue turns white from lack of blood and numb?

i dont know why but mine will start tingling and then turn solid white all the blood leaves it..... its very scary

Why does your tongue turn white after the flu?

NO the flu does NOT make your tongue white

What does it mean if your goat has a white tongue?

there tongue is dirty and you shold clean there mouth

What if you have a white tongue?

Just when you thought your oral problems were over, you woke up and noticed you had a white tongue. What could this mean? There are several explanations for white tongue, none of which are very pleasing. The first explanation of white tongue is a disease called oral thrush. This is very common in newborn babies and not so common with adults. Nevertheless, thrush is a fungal infection. It is the abundance of a fungus named Candida. Everyone has Candida in their mouths; it's just that people with thrush just have too much. Many times white tongue happens when people have weakened immune systems and the acidity in the mouth becomes unbalanced. Another, more serious cause of white tongue is a chronic disease in the body. In Chinese medicine, the tongue is used as an indicator to the state of the body's health. A dry, white tongue can mean there is something going on in the body that shouldn't. It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with the mouth specifically. One of the most common reasons for white tongue is far less serious. The white tongue could merely be the build-up of sulfurous compounds created by bacteria. The bacteria live beneath the surface of the tongue and excrete these compounds. This ends up causing bad breath. The majority of bad breath cases come from bacteria, and the majority of the bacteria cases come from the tongue. The good news is that in this situation white tongue can be easily taken care of and prevented. Brushing the tongue twice a day when brushing the teeth will prevent new bacteria growth. Some people need much more extreme measures. In these cases, white tongue can be removed with a tongue scraper. Some toothbrushes now-a-days have come out with a brush head on one side and a scraper on the other. Although white tongue can have serious causes, the most common cause is not so serious. Bad breath may be embarrassing, but it is much better then suffering from a chronic disease of the body. White tongue is an easily curable condition when it's caused by sulfurous compounds. If you get white tongue, don't fret, just quickly determine the cause and take care of it.

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