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When you sleep, all the air catches on to your tounge (esp. if you sleep mouth open) and it makes it dry. Why does water dry up in the the sun? Exactly. You dont get to put saliva on your tongue when you are asleep. Dribbling usually happens when the face is faced down (it escapes from your mouth)

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Q: Why is your tongue dry at night?
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It is impossible to taste substances with a what tongue?

with a 'dry' tongue

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Why does your tongue swell every morning?

Your tongue swells because the piercing is still healing and when you sleep, your heart and tongue are on the same level. With your mouth open and snoring at night this tends to dry the tongue and the swelling occurs. The swelling will ease off over time as the piercing toughens up and heals further.

Why does hot sauce burn your tongue?

your tongue will get dry and you'll need water

Can your tongue dry out?

Yes, your tongue can become dry due to dehydration, breathing through your mouth, certain medications, or medical conditions. A dry tongue can lead to discomfort, altered taste sensation, and difficulty speaking or swallowing. Drinking plenty of water can help keep your tongue and mouth hydrated.

Is Riunite Lambrusco a dry wine?

No its a sweet wine, doesnt leave your tongue dry..

Why is it imposable to taste substances with a dry tongue?

becuase it is,

Can you lick your pubic lice clean?

Yes. Only if you're tongue is dry though. And if pigs are flying. Yes. Only if you're tongue is dry though. And if pigs are flying.

Why is it impossible to taste substances with a dry to?

It is impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue because when the tongue is wet, the wetness releases the action of tasting.the tongue has to be wet so that the afferent fibers from the taste buds can send the chemical compounds to the brain to be identified.

Does your tongue sleep at night?

Yes , as our tongue is a muscle , it needs to rest , so it might go for sleep.

How can you use the word tongue in a sentence?

"I ate beef tongue for dinner last night. It was surprisingly tasty!"

Why is it impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue?

A dry tongue lacks the necessary saliva to dissolve and detect flavors in food. Saliva helps break down molecules in food, releasing taste compounds that interact with taste buds on the tongue. Without saliva, our taste buds cannot perceive the flavors of substances.