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Because you touch yourself at night

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Q: Why is your right arm getting shorter?
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Your right arm is shorter than your left arm is there a way to fix that?

There are ways to fix a right arm that is shorter than a left arm. If the arms are very different in length, a doctor might use a special device that slowly stretches the bone. If the arms are close in length, chiropractic adjustments might help to even them.

Does getting a tattoo on your right fore arm only mean you are gay like getting only a right ear piercing?


What muscle is shorter when the arm is straight?


Does getting a tattoo on your right fore arm mean your gay?

Yes any tattoo on your left arm is a sign you are gay, most defiantly if you also have your right ear pierced

Are their any effects of getting punched in the arm right after a needle at school?

a bruise and pain ..

When tom Robinson stands up what do you learn about his left arm?

When Tom Robinson stands up in court, we learn that his left arm is 12 inches shorter than his right arm, and that it is shriveled and useless due to being caught in a cotton gin when he was a child.

What does my right to extend my arm ends at your nose mean?

It means you have the right to your own 'personal space'. Basically anyone getting closer to you than the length of your outstretched arm - is invading your personal space.

Why was Joseph Stalin's left arm shorter than his right?

When Stalin was a young boy he was hit by a runaway carriage that injured his arm and his legs. After that it was shorter and weaker than the other. It even got him out of being drafted into the Russian Army during World War 1 when he was declared unfit for military service because of it.

What happens to the muscle when the arm is bent?

Which muscle? The biceps, at the front of the arm, get shorter, and the triceps, at the back, get longer.

How can you become faster at running?

Practice makes perfect . Also it all in getting a good start and consatrastion ,tuck you shirt in left arm with your right leg and you left arm with your right leg good luck

How does he put his arm around you if he's shorter?

you make him walk on stilts

How do you make your arm shorter?

cut your hand off. have a surgeon do it though.