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Q: Why is your mother Beautiful?
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How do you say mom in tigrinya?

My beautiful mother

Beautiful mother and daughtergerman?

Mother and daughters are both beautiful. A mother an daughter have a lot of things a like.

How is mother earth similar to your mother?

because my mother is beautiful

How do you say mother of four beautiful girls in french?

mother of four beautiful girls = la mère de quatre belles filles.

What is beautiful mother in latin?

Mater pulchra.

Who would you recommend The Outsiders to?

my beautiful mother

What is the beautiful of clam and mussel shells called?

the beautiful lining is called, mother-of-pearl

Why your mother is not beautiful?

because she was beatin with an ugly stick =)

When mother saw a beautiful diamond ring what does she do?

she buys it

How do you say beautiful mother in french?

belle mere

What is the beautiful lining of clam and mussel shells called?

the beautiful lining is called, mother-of-pearl

Who is da vinci's mother?

Caterina, a beautiful, local peasant