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it is not good so do not do it

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Q: Why is whailing good?
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What is whailing?

whailing is some people that go out to sea and kill whails boo whailing

What does the US think of whaling?

usa likes whailing but i was waching south park and china did not

How did people make money in Massachusetts bay Colony?

They made money by shipbuilding, some fur traiding, and fishing/whailing.(:

Why did people go whailing?

well people do whaling because they think whals ment to be eaten and the japanse just dont care

What verb can you use starting with the letter w?

Whailing, Waiting. waving. And always remember never (hint hint) whine about the stellers

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Where is whailing done?

It is occasionally done in the North Polar Seas, or at the South Polar Seas. Sometimes the Japanese claim that the reason they go whaling is for research purposes, but, Everyone knows they are just doing to make money by killing whales.

How do you save Humpback whale?

Tell people to stop whailing. Right a letter to who started killing whales. Spread the word around about how bad it is to kill humpback whales. Make a poster that says "STOP KILLING WHALES",and march around with it. Gp visit oceans and feed them.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander?

If its good for you, its good for me. What is good for one is good for another

What is good for children?

there are a lot of things that are good for children from good food to good excercise from good parents to good attention. good education to good living good environment to good friends. there are always good for children and that they can be benifited from it is also good.

are you good ?

Yes I am but my Brother keeps bothering me and my kidney hurts. when I am good, I am very very good, but when I am bad I am horrid

What letters can you add to the word GOOD to form a new word?

(Good) bye (Good) ness (Good) s (Good) y (Good) night (Good) ly (Good) will good-for-nothing good-natured good-looking good-hearted good-humored goody-goody