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It hydrates your body, keeps your energy up, gets you up and active, refreshing for the body, prevents from some diseases or sicknesses (Diabetes, DE hydration). There are heaps of reasons. If you wanna find out more, become a doctor or a nurse when you grow up or if you're close to getting a job.

If it doesn't too bad, so sad never mind!

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Q: Why is water so important to the human body?
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Why drink so much water?

It is important to drink water to keep hydrated. The human body is mostly water, so it is necessary to drink enough water to stay healthy.

What advantages does the human body have under water?

the advantage of water in human body is it can make you survive without the the intake of food in your body so water is more important than food and it make a human complete rapid digestion of food any materials in your body........................................................... (~sam 02~) i hope ito ay correct hahaha? (from 2-apple)_2010-2011:)

Why is clean water needed?

Clean water is very important for better health of everyone. It secures us from diseases. As it delivers minerals to a human body so it should be upto standard to void any harmful affect on a human body.

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They are so important bcuz they make the hole body

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They believe that human body consists of five elements. Water is one important element. So the ashes are mixed in water.

Where is water used in the human body?

in the brain so u have energy in your body

Why human body is full of water?

So humans can swim

Is hydrogen found in the Human Body?

yes hydrogen is found in the human body sine the body is 75 percent water and water is 66 percent hydrogen so yes you have hydrogen in your body

Provide one reason why water is important for life?

you need to have liquid in your body so you drink water All known living tissues are at least partly made of water. (human body is over 90% water for example) we have to drink water in order to live

How is water used in the human body and why is it so important?

Water is used by the body's cells to help them function. Water helps protect and lubricate certain parts of the body, such as the spine and joints. Also, drinking enough water will help the body efficiently flush out waste through the intestines, kidneys, and sweat glands.

Why drink plenty of water if suffering from diarrhea?

Because, diarrhea is formed mostly out of water, so mostly all of the water comes out of your body. That's why you need to drink LOTS of water