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Water is the most abundant and probably the most important chemical in the body. And, since the kidneys are responsible for making this life-giving water is just right for the body, including its amount, pressure, composition, salinity, and by removing waste products, it can be said that the kidneys are the organs of homeostasis, the relative stability of the internal environment of the body.

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Q: Why is water important for kidney health?
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kidney and liver need water to keep itself clean from wastes that flow through it

How do you improve kidney health?

Drink plenty of water (about 4 liters (or one gallon)) per day.

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Caffeine from tea and coffee has been known to cause kidney problems even kidney stones.

Why is potassium and calcium important to the kidney?

Potassium helps regulate fluid balance in the body and is important for proper kidney function. Calcium plays a role in muscle and nerve function, and helps maintain healthy bones and teeth. Both minerals are essential for overall kidney health and function.

What percent does a 80 year old kidney function?

At 80 years old, kidney function typically decreases to about 30-40% of what it was in early adulthood. This decline is a natural part of aging and can vary depending on individual health factors. Regular monitoring and management of kidney health are important for elderly individuals.

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Can Kidney disease be prevented?

Maintaining a healthy body weight, getting regular exercise, and not smoking all promote kidney health. Controlling underlying diseases such as Diabetes and high blood pressure are important in preventing chronic kidney diseases.

Which organ is responsible the bodys water balance?

The kidneys are primarily responsible for regulating the body's water balance by filtering and excreting excess water or conserving water as needed. Additionally, the brain's hypothalamus helps regulate thirst levels and signals the body to retain or release water based on its hydration status.

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Does glutathione good for high levels of creatinine?

Glutathione is an antioxidant that can help with kidney health by reducing oxidative stress. High levels of creatinine may be a sign of kidney damage or dysfunction. While glutathione may provide some benefits for kidney health, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate management of high creatinine levels.