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Q: Why is water a limited resource?
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What resource was limited in the desert southwest?

Due to very limited precipitation, water is one resource in the desert that is generally scarce unless an area has a permanent river with flowing water or ample underground water.

Why is fresh water a limited resource in Kuwait?

Is there any sea water around the island then it is limited.

Why is fresh water considered a limited resource?

The reason why fresh water is considered a limited resource is because the large majority of water on earth is saltwater. 97 percent of the earth's water supply is saltwater and only 2.5 percent is fresh water, some of which is snow and ice.

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Limited resource such as petroleum and coal, once used then it is gone.

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Drinking water

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yes technetium is a limited resource. You can only find it in certain parts of the world not that I know of though

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How does your use or abuse of water impact our limited resource of groundwater?

while using ground water for a long time the level of ground water decreases and thereby scarcity of water occurs

How is fresh water both a renewable and a limited resource?

Its renewable because the ecosystem collects and purifies the fresh water. Its limited because the earth is only made up of 3% of fresh water and most of the other half is locked up in ice at the Poles.

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Limited Resource