its not prettier its just what people want to see i think.... anyone edit this answer and put your opinion for this person :)
I think that society has said it is and therefore the majority believes that. I believe it's all about how you perveice yourself and how you present yourself.
maybe because they want to be thinner and prettier than others?
well you really can't unless uyou paint your nails a color that would compliment your skin ;]
Not all people do and the smart ones know that to think such things is a waste of energy. There is always going to be people prettier than you, thinner and have more expensive clothes. It's who the person is inside that counts. Women should be more confident in themselves than this and work on their stronger points.
In this day and age the thinner you are the prettier you seem. Teenagers don't know the value of true beauty. Like a box of choclates: good on the outside but might be nasty on the inside!
prettier than what?
dolphin is prettier
she is cool,preety,nice,awesome, prettier than yezel,prettier than alejandra,prettier than denise, prettier than shanya,prettier than divas from wrestling, prettier than skateboarders girls,cooler on the internet,and more
Prettier is an adjective.
male cardinals are prettier
Yes, prettier is a real word.
yes by far :) prettier than GaGa? Yes prettier than Beyonce? Yes prettier than Pink? Yes prettier than Christina? Yes prettier than Madonna? Yes
the banana is prettier