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it will cause you to do things that you wouldnt do ie. a man was under the influence of angel dust and he got a knife and cut the skin on his face and fed it to his dog. I would give you photographic proof but it would be removed as it is the man with no face

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Q: Why is the use of illegal harmful to ones health?
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Can a Muslim use illegal drugs?

No, it is not permissible in Islam to use illegal drugs as they are harmful to one's body and mind, and go against the principles of self-control and avoiding substances that impair judgment and reasoning. Muslims are encouraged to maintain good health and avoid harmful practices.

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It is illegal and unsafe to use mahogany tree seeds to induce an abortion. Such actions can be harmful to your health and against the law. It is important to seek proper medical advice and care for any reproductive health concerns.

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Crack cocaine is illegal due to its highly addictive nature and harmful effects on individuals and communities. It is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance because of its high potential for abuse and lack of accepted medical use. Its illegal status is aimed at protecting public health and reducing drug-related harm.

Do you thing marijuana should be classed as a drug?

Marijuana, or more specifically; THC, is a drug alike caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and heroin. The reason most people have this indication that drugs are bad is because of the legal system and how they classify them. When a substance is illegal, it symbolically means that that substance is dangerous and you should not use it. However, several illegal drugs are less harmful than the legal ones and this sends out a mixed message that somewhere down the line makes people believe that the safe illegal ones are more dangerous than the harmful legal ones. So yes, marijuana is a drug, we just have a screwed up definition of the word.

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Yes. Illegal drugs are harmful even if you use them "right.

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Tranquilliser drugs are illegal to use IF they have been prescribed for someone ELSE. However, if they are prescribed for you by a PROFFESSIONAL (GP, doctor etc.) they are not illegal as long as you use them as INSTRUCTED.

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To kill or sometimes prevent an infection that could be harmful to their health.

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generally the cold drinks are not harmful for health but the daily use of cold drinks can be harmful for health like sugar and other hart problems can be occur by the daily use of cold drinks

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ya you could only use the clear ones

Is maraquana harmful to your health?

yes of course it is, out of the 400 chemicals prity much none of them are harmful. some of them are even good for you. The thing that is the most harmful is the smoke. If you use a vaperizer there is no smoke.

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Steroids are harmful for your health,they can lead to serious medical problems,such as Erectile Dysfunctions.Don't use them.