Because it helps your bones to stay strong,
and it helps you to grow :)
protain is the one type of energy
protain makes you grow and body repair and its very good for you
because fruits and salad has 100% of vitamins 89% of protain and 98% of calcium
No;it is made up of a protain coat known as capsid.
Wikipedia says there is 1.09 grams of protein per 100 grams of banana
the elimination from the body of nightrogen containing compounds generated from the metabolism of protain type of food is called excration.
Generally a protein molecule consists of around 20 essential amino acids.
Protein: You get your protein from meats and beans. Protein is a necessity for your body. Pertain: Please keep your speech pertaining to the subject.
smooth RE is also known as SER or smooth endoplasmic reticulur this is a part inside a cell and it transports protain inside a cell and it stores minerals.
Protein rich foods contain vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and B6. These vitamins are very important to the body for the health of the muscles, and for energy.
to make it more fun i serpose So the show would not be a bunch of muscled men arguing or sitting around twiddiling their fingers...they need writers to protain to the Wrestlers Characters
yes because it gives them protain which helps they're growth and repair.