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Most soda pop has too much sugar which can give you Diabetes or artificial sweeteners which cause other problems. It also has phosphates that can cause heart, kidney and bone problems. Another problem is cavities.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Soda has a lot of calories which leads to weight gain around the middle. Diet Soda also seems to cause weight gain around the waist. Soda also has phosphates which cause aging, kidney problems, heart problems, bone problems, and muscle loss. Carmel coloring has been linked to cancer. The cans and plastic bottles have BPA. The manufacturing of soda causes water pollution and the plastic rings kill wildlife.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

High fructose corn syrup (sugar) is probably the biggest concern. Soda is just a bunch of empty calories which will either replace healthy foods or add additional calories to your diet.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

It destroys the teeth.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

not if you have it with breakfast

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If by pop you mean soda, it is bad for all athletes because is dehydrates the body and introduces empty calories to the system which are inefficient for powering an athlete's body.

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Not sure about a pop group, but there was a rock group called Bad Company.

How bad is it to drink pop?

It depends. Do you drink pop five times a day or once every month?? Drinking pop is very bad if you drink it several times a day. Once or twice in a week or month is fine, but be sure to exercise to loss all the fat pop is feeding your body.