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Ponyboy is part of a gang because he feels that the gang is his family. They fill the void his parents deaths left.

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Q: Why is ponyboy a part of a gang?
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What was ponyboy's gang called?

The Greasers.

What gang is Ponyboy in?

Two-bit (keith) Mathews Steve Dallas Winston Johnny Cade Soda pop Curtis Darry Curtis and... Ponyboy Curtis

Who tells the gang that johnny is dead?


What is the difference between Tim Shepard's gang and Ponyboy's group?

Tim Shepherds gang was more violent, your typical hoods.

Why does ponyboy feel he and his gang don't belong with Tim Shepard's gang and the brumley boy's?

because the brumley boys just rob people and are gangsters while ponyboy and the others differ from them.

Who joins Ponyboy and his gang to fight the Socs at the rumble in the end of the story?

Dallas Winston

How does ponyboy think they will change as they grow older?

ponyboy thinks they will grow up to be and do something with their life unlike thee brumly boys and shepard's gang :) <------ I think

What is the different between Tim Shepard s gang and ponyboy s group?

tims gang is orginized with a leader, in ponys they are all their own leader. Pony feels this might give them the upper hand because each of them has something to fight for. ~hope this helped~

What do you know about ponyboy sodapop and Darry?

i know that they are 3 brothers and they are in the greasers gang in the book the outsiders

What is the most important reason that Ponyboy and his friends belong to a gang?

to protect one and other from the socs

Why did ponyboy think him and two bit couldn't get along without johhny?

He meant the gang couldn't get along without him. The whole gang needs each other.

Why did ponyboy and two-bit think they couldn't get along without johnny?

He meant the gang couldn't get along without him. The whole gang needs each other.