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Looks like someones taking Bio 20 hahahah

Histamines, a vasoactive chemical, causes peripheral vasodialation of the capillaries.

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Q: Why is osmotic pressure low in someone who is having an allergic reaction?
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Why would osmotic pressure be low in someone who is starving?


Can a normal person have an allergic reaction to someone who has psoriasis?


Is allergic an adverb?

No, "allergic" is not an adverb. It is an adjective that describes someone who has an allergic reaction to something like pollen or certain foods.

What are some of the allergic reactions someone could have from using methamphetamine?

Tolerance is not an allergic reaction, but is worst than it.

What ingredient in Gatorade or powerade would cause an allergic reaction?

You can, because someone can be allergic to anything in the world.

How do you you treat an allergic rash reaction to blue spruce evergreen trees?

email someone from they are great!

Can you get a skin reaction from eating raw potatoes?

Possibly. There always seems to be someone somewhere who's allergic to something.

If you have an allergic reaction to mushrooms could you have a reaction from kissing someone who just ate them?

You will have a reaction, but much lower than if you were eating them yourself. If you have a strong reaction to mushrooms you could lower the reactions by having him/her brush their teeth.

Can blood pressure medicine make someone sick?

Yes, blood pressure medication can make someone sick. If the person finds that they are allergic to it, or that their dosage is too high, it can make them ill.

Does everyone have an allergic reaction to brown recluse spider bites?

No, not everyone has an allergic reaction to the bite of the brown recluse spider. In fact most people don't have an allergic reaction. But people do react to the venom the spider injects. It's powerfully toxic and can pose a deadly threat in young children or the older or infirm. Certainly if someone has an allergic reaction to the venom in addition to the effects of the toxins, this will complicate medical treatment and make the bite a much more serious threat to life.

If you're allergic to shellfish can being intimate with someone who ate shellfish cause a reaction?

Yes, it most certainly can if you are very sensitive to an allergen.