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If you use an antipyretic (anti-fever medicine) and no other treatment for a moderate fever, all you're really doing is treating a symptom rather than the underlying cause. It may make the patient more comfortable, but it's not actually making them any better.

High fevers are bad (they can cause brain damage), and those should be treated. But a moderate fever is unlikely to cause any permanent damage. (40/104 is the point at which doctors start to get worried about damage from the fever itself as opposed to from whatever the actual infection may be ... however, a doctor treating a fever this high is probably going to use aggressive active cooling techniques like ice baths rather than/in addition to medications).

There's a school of thought that says that fevers are part of the way the body fights infections, so by artificially reducing them you're not only doing nothing about the infection yourself but actually removing one of the tools in your body's arsenal. If true, then you're better off in the long run to just allow moderate fevers to run their course.

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Ivy Kreiger

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Q: Why is not a good idea to use medicines that stop a moderate fever?
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Is it ok to go swimming with a low grade fever?

No. Not a good idea.

Why is it not a good idea to use medicines that stop a moderate fever?

If you use an antipyretic (anti-fever medicine) and no other treatment for a moderate fever, all you're really doing is treating a symptom rather than the underlying cause. It may make the patient more comfortable, but it's not actually making them any better.High fevers are bad (they can cause brain damage), and those should be treated. But a moderate fever is unlikely to cause any permanent damage. (40/104 is the point at which doctors start to get worried about damage from the fever itself as opposed to from whatever the actual infection may be ... however, a doctor treating a fever this high is probably going to use aggressive active cooling techniques like ice baths rather than/in addition to medications).There's a school of thought that says that fevers are part of the way the body fights infections, so by artificially reducing them you're not only doing nothing about the infection yourself but actually removing one of the tools in your body's arsenal. If true, then you're better off in the long run to just allow moderate fevers to run their course.

Why might it not be a good idea to immediately reduce a fever with drugs?

Because the medicine only helps the symptoms, it actually makes the fever worse.

What happen if you consume alchole in fever?

not a good idea. your immune system is low ,and having a fever means you can have a viral infection in your body. alcohol also dehydrates you. and you need plenty of fluids with fever, your body is already slightly dehydrated with fever..

Does soft drink shorten your period?

No, but remaining hydrated is a good idea. Also, moderate exercise will help alleviate discomfort.

Can you drink alcohol and smoke after being cured from Dengue fever?

You never really recover from dengue fever. It tends to recur. Alcohol and smoking would not be a good idea, but if you must, then in moderation, please.

Is 100.58 Fahrenheit a fever?

A temperature of 100.58 Fahrenheit would be considered a low-grade fever. It is slightly above the normal body temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit. If you are experiencing other symptoms or if the fever persists, it may be a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider.

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the main idea was that greg got trapped in his house

Can you take ibuprofen with after chemo?

Generally, it is safe to take Tylenol (acetaminophen) if you are also receiving chemotherapy. It is always a good idea to discuss over-the-counter medicines with your oncologist or nurse. There may be times when your doctor may be concerned that Tylenol will mask a fever if you are at risk of infections during a time of low white blood cell count.

Is it good or bad if you wee very often?

Excessive urination may be a sign of other issues with the body. It is a good idea to mention this to the doctor particularly if combined with fever, chills, or pain.

Is it bad to pierce ears while infected with glandular fever?

Yes, because if you already have an infection, its not a good idea to create another possible site of infection.

If your taking Cymbalta can i take Sudafed?

It's not a very good idea to take Sudafed while on Cymbalta. They have what is called a "moderate drug interaction". Taking them together can mess with your blood pressure.