Nobody here can help you, if you are concerned about your health go and see a doctor
Baking soda does not help sore throats. For a sore throat drink warm tea with honey.
Anything you love to eat or drink will help the sore throat. But then you need to consult the physician for the same. Specially when you have a fever.
Drinks help your throat if it is dry, because it tastes nice, and relaxs your throat by wetting it, I currentely have tonsillitis, I have never had it before, and am a bit confused on what to drink or eat. Can someone help?
punch it at the same time drink water
Get some throat drops or drink/eat something hot.I recommend tea or other products like that.
Most plants dont help sore throat but if you drink much water, sleep and not talking, it might help the sore throat.
If you want a sore throat to go away, drink a bottle of really cold water. You can also eat ice cream. Vanilla works best and just have it plain. You can eat a Popsicle if you have no ice cream. Hope it works.
Quickly check the pulse in her throat. If there is no pulse, then suspect a heart attack rather than choking. If she has a pulse, get help sitting the victim up and perform the Heimlich maneuver, 4 sharp pulls in a row. Repeat if nothing comes out.
i would suggest taking cod oil or liver oil because they help the immune system. make sure that the cod or liver is pure and in liquid form for the fastest recovery time.I suggest for quick relief, gargle some salt and water mixed. Do not drink it, just gargle it a few times. The salt helps the throat get cleansed and helps relieve it.
No. It is never 'good' to drink soda. But if you refuse to give it up, then at least don't drink it when your health is low. If your throat hurts, pouring acid down it (which is what soda is - chemicals and acid) won't help! It will hinder your body's ability to recover and will keep your throat sore longer. Hope that helps!
hell no that will make you sick as hell
you probably have a cold. drink fluids and rest rest rest. cough drops would help for the sore throat.