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The enzymes in nasal mucus change the way humans perceive smells. Without the enzymes, the smells cannot be identified by our brains.

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Q: Why is mucous important for smell?
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Is there still a smell to step throat with out tonsil?

Yes, but very faint. Better to check for grrenish tinge in mucous spit up.

Why are cilia in the trachea important?

These are tiny "fingers" which move mucous. The mucous is sticky and traps dust, pollen and other particles. Together the cilia move the mucous out of the lungs. If this didn't happen these things trapped in the mucous would cause damage to the lungs and a person would have breathing difficulties over time.

What are the two most important factors that clear mucous from the airways?

Cilia clear mucus from your airways.

What are the types of membranes lining cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?

The types of membranes lining cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body are mucous membranes. These membranes are found in areas such as the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts, and they secrete mucus to protect and lubricate the tissues.

What do bright colors generally represent when observed on frogs?

The mucous the frog secretes from its skin typically has a foul smell and is usually a poison to help ward off predators.

Why is Indonesia so important?

you smell

Why is it important to breath through your nose?

The nose and nasal passages have hairs and mucous designed to filter the air.

Which membrane is adapted for absorbtion and secretion?

The gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa is adapted for absorption and secretion due to its large surface area lined with specialized cells like enterocytes, goblet cells, and enteroendocrine cells. These cells facilitate the absorption of nutrients and water while secreting enzymes, mucus, and hormones for digestive processes.

What best describes a mucous cell?

A mucous cell is a type of cell that produces mucus, a viscous fluid that helps protect and lubricate tissues in the body. These cells are commonly found in the respiratory and digestive systems, where mucus plays a crucial role in trapping foreign particles and aiding in digestion.

Mucous is the substance secreted by the mucous membranes?

Yes, that's correct. Mucus is a slippery secretion produced by mucous membranes lining various body cavities and serves to protect and lubricate these surfaces.

WHAT CAUSE mucous cell?

mucous solute

Why your sense of smell does not work well when you have a cold?

Your body is reacting to the virus particles that are attaching to the mucus tissue in your nose and it is trying to rinse the particles out by flooding the nasal cavity. When the runny nose stops, sometimes loss of fluids can thicken the mucus and then it stops things up.