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Breathing, eating, talking. 'nuff said

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Q: Why is mouth is important to human body?
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Related questions

Where is the roof of mouth on the human body?

It's the top of the inside of your mouth.

Where is the mouth located in the human body?

the mouth is located in the mouth...i'm wondering the same question...but no one has the answer

How is the human body different without a mouth?

you can talk

Where does the salivary glands secret in human body?


Where can amylase be found in the human body?

in your saliva in your mouth

Where is the first site of digestion in the human body?

The mouth is the first site of digestion in the human body. In the mouth food is broken down mechanically by the jaw and chemically by saliva.

What part of the body is the dirtiest?

The dirtiest part of a human body is inside the mouth.

The strongest muscle in the human body is found in?

Your mouth. Your tongue is actually the most strongest muscle in the human body.

What part of the human body moves the most?

The tounge and mouth

What chews and swallows food in human body?

Your mouth you idiot

How does marijuana get into the human body?

Marijuana can enter the body through inhalation (smoking or vaping), ingestion (edibles or drinks), or absorption (topical creams or patches). When inhaled, the active compounds in marijuana are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs, leading to rapid effects. When ingested, the compounds are metabolized by the liver before entering the bloodstream, resulting in delayed but longer-lasting effects.

Why is the skeleton necessary or important to the human body?

The skeleton system is important to the human body because it keeps the human body upright and protects the body's internal organs against injuries.