

Why is monocropping bad?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Why is monocropping bad?
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Monoculture is the practice of producing or growing crops singly over an area of land, however,monocropping is growing the same crop year after year without crop rotation

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Farming itself is not inherently bad, as it is essential for producing food for human and animal consumption. However, unsustainable farming practices such as deforestation, excessive pesticide and fertilizer use, and monocropping can lead to environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, soil depletion, and water pollution. It is important for farming to be done in a way that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

What is monocropping?

Mono cropping is a type of farming system in which the farmer grows one type of annual crop once on a piece of land, after harvest another type of annual crop is grown on that same piece of land. For example a farmer grows tomato on a piece of land this year and growspepper on that same piece of land the next year.

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