

Why is mdma so harmful?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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MDMA (methaldyoxidemethamphemtamines) have various negative affects. Probably the most noticeable being depression for a few days after use. It also affects short term memory during and even after the drug is out of one's system. All the brain's serotonin is released into the body and can affect the part of the brain that creates serotonin. It has been known to cause anxiety issues within heavy users as well as memory loss or even brain damage depending on how extreme the use is. Serotonin depletion can be countered by taking a supplement such as 5-HTP after MDMA use. Many scientists believe that most mental damage caused by clubbers taking MDMA is caused more by sleep deprivation than the MDMA itself. Although MDMA has been projected as an extremely harmful drug by the media, scientific studies have shown that it is far less harmful than legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. In fact, UK deaths attributed to "ecstasy" represent less than one tenth of one percent of deaths attributed to legal pain killers. For a graph of the harmfulness of drugs see here:

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3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)

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You are fifteen years old in 10th grade and your homecoming is coming up Should you take ecstasy?

No. You're fifteen years old. Your brain will continue to develop for another ten years. MDMA is just not good for developing brains, as it can cause abnormal serotonin levels. Especially at this point in your life, where your going through a lot of social changes, school, drama etc... you would not want to experiment with your serotonin levels. As for MDMA use period... In it's pure form, it is really not that harmful(when used responsibly about as harmful as a busy night of drinking). However, the problems arise when you do not get pure MDMA; a lot of street x is mixed with all sorts of drugs. Whatever you choose to do, be safe. Never use MDMA more than 1 or 2 times in a given month. Your serotonin will be so low, causing intense depression. My advice would be to hold off on the MDMA until you are out of school and in a comfortable, stable situation in life. MDMA is no where near the danger that the government portrays it; however, it can still be very dangerous when used irresponsibly, so be careful whatever you do. Personally, at fifteen, I would just stick to what God gave us.

Does speed cancel out mdma?

alot of times, extasy is cut with speed. so i don't think so.

Will pure mdma kill you the first time you take it?

no pure mdma will not kill you ever as long as you are not stupid about it. pure mdma will come in a white or beige coulored powder that you sniff. it will often come in a capsule that is simply filled with the powder. mdma is technically one of the safest drugs out there. drink lots of water because you will become dehydrated from it. the main way people die from pure mdma is from dehydration or thier body overheating because mdma will raise your body temperature so it is best to do it in a room that isnt too hot. as well keep in mind that a capsule will usually be at least 6-12 lines worth of mdma so if you do a cap then itll take about half an hour to an hour to kick in. this is all the info that i can think of right now. hope i helped :) btw i just recently did mdma for the first time and i loved it. and i did my research on it

Will MDMA test positive as amphetamines?

No, there are no other medicines that use MDMA.

What is MDMA short for?

MDMA is short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

Can mdma from a person be transfered to a cat by touch?

No. MDMA is only effective if ingested.

What happens if you take MDMA then paracetamol?

If you mix paracetamol and MDMA you make heroin

How many hits can you get out of a gram of molly?

The number of hits you can get from a gram of MDMA (molly) depends on the dosage per hit. A typical MDMA dose is around 100-125mg, so you could potentially get 8-10 hits from a gram of MDMA. It is important to remember that dosage and purity can vary, so it's crucial to use a scale and start with a small dose to assess its effects.

Is it safe to take pure MDMA ecstasy after having appendix surgery 1 week and two days earlier?

No. MDMA takes a pretty hard toll on your body, physically. If you are going to do it, do so in good health.