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Q: Why is maintaining a healthy lifstyle important?
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Why is it important to maintaining a healthy body?

because when you`re not healthy you can`t do the stuff you want to do

How is potassium important to humans?

It is very important in maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Why proper nutrition and regular exercise are important in maintaining a healthy body?

The importance of maintaining a healthy body is that once you get sick or develope a disease you can pull strength from yourself and help conquer your malady. Maintaining a healthy spiritual body is sometimes just as important for you can seek solace in your time of need

Why is drinking water important to maintain a healthy excretory system?

For maintaining body glucose

What is an important nutrient for growing children and is essential for maintaining healthy blood?

Iron and calcium

What are some of the most important elements of health and wellness?

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly

Which action is LEAST important to maintaining a healthy credit score?

Make on-time payments

Why is maintaining a healthy diet important in college?

So you can learn. Your brain needs to be in top shape.

An important function of vitaminA is to?

An important function of vitamin A is to support healthy vision, as it is essential for the proper functioning of the retina in the eye. It also plays a crucial role in immune function, cell growth, and maintaining healthy skin.

What are some tips for healthy skin?

Eating healthy and maintaining adequate personal hygiene are important for skin. A good body lotion and sunscreen can help. See a doctor for regular checkups.

Obesity and Diabetes?

Obesity and diabetes are often linked. Getting to and maintaining a healthy weight are important for preventing or managing diabetes. This can be done by making healthy lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise.

How can you help the circulatory system?

You can help the circulatory system by maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding smoking. Getting regular exercise is also important.