your body needs certain amounts of nutrition, and if you aren't eating enough then you may not get your daily need of it. Your body also uses the food you eat and turn it in to energy, so it is better to eat more. don't get the wrong idea, that you need to eat just any foods, you need to manage a healthy diet. read more about it
They make your nail thin until that part grows out. but not unhealthy. It can ruin your nails
unhealthy food means food that is not good for you and have too much fat
Yes. If guinea pigs are not healthy e.g they are too thin , they are sick , they have an infection , it is hard and unhealthy for them too have babies. It's not recommended and you really shouldn't, but it can be done.
Do more exercise, stop eating unhealthy food, and stay healthy.
If you can easily see the dogs ribs, they are too thin.
If you eat too much, yes. Moderation is key!
Anorexic thin
They have too much fat.
They are unhealthy because most of them contain saturated fat or they have too much oil in them.
To some extent, yes. Anorexics have an unnatural desire to lose weight past the point of being "thin" and take it to an unhealthy extreme.
Unhealthy choice is totally integrated with laziness and carelessness. Individuals a eat too much and do not perform any exercise. This leads to unhealthy life style.
Unhealthy behaviors:SmokingBeing overweightNot exercisingEating too much saltNot getting enough sleep