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Ever thought you could be hypoglacemic? Ask your doctor about it.

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Q: Why is it that every day around noon you feel dizzy and sick and nauseated and passes after a couple hours?
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If I spin around and around I will get?

Dizzy- possibly nauseated and bruised from falling over.

Are there any side effects of from a phlebotomy?

It is not uncommon for a patient to feel dizzy or nauseated during or after phlebotomy.

Signs of if is not enough water in the body?

Lightheaded, dizzy, confused, not sweating even if you are hot and being nauseated (sick to your stomach).

You have low blood pressure high pulse dizzy no period for 2 months nauseated whats wrong?

search under "Neurally Mediated Hypotension"

How do you get dizzy?

You get dizzy by spinning around too much.

Why do you feel tired and dizzy?

Tired - your body's response to not enough sleep or energy. Dizzy - you most likely have a virus if you are dizzy but dont worry it only lasts a couple of days.

What might it be if my husband is having sharp pain all the way down the right side of his body he is dizzy nauseated and feels like he is going to pass out?

I would ask you: Isn't this an (obvious) symptom of pulmonary emboli...?

Will you walk in a circle if your blindfoldedand spun around?

If you are pun around blind folded you will be dizzy and you will spin around.

What are symptoms that may precede fainting?

A few seconds before fainting, a person may sweat or become pale, feel nauseated or dizzy, and have blurred vision or racing heartbeat. Once the person loses consciousness, the pupils may dilate as the heart rate slows.

Julie was dizzy after she wh l around?


Why do you feel dizzy when you turn 7 times?

When you whirl around, the fluid in your ears starts moving around. When you stop suddenly, the fluid keeps sloshing around for a bit. This makes you feel as if you are still moving even though you are not. This creates the dizzy feeling.

Do you get dizzy doing smokeless tobacco?

the first couple of times i chewed i got dizzy (or buzzin) its normal for all people who start doing it, but it doesn't last forever, i don't get dizzy anymore from chewing