That would be a psychological reaction, Semen is is totally harmless most of it is simply a mucous material and and there is not a great deal of it either.
i kind of feel sick. but my stomach feels weird like it has flutters
My stomach feels weird, I got gas, my stomach rumbles, I feel like throwing up, and I feel nausea. Don't make it your primary food source. Eat it once a day. :D
It feels weird.
she feels weird around mayonnaise because she thinks it is weird.
I feel weird because it feels all scaly and weird.
that is nervousness
it feels squishy and weird
sperm is a natural anti depressant
sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. it will feel a little weird, but after you get used to it, it feels normal. same with after you take them off, your so used to it that it feels weird but eventually you get used to it.
Yes it can. It gas bubbles in ur stomach..
yeah. she might act weird if she is trying to hude something from you. . and feels guilty possibly
i think you need to see a doctor.