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Q: Why is it logical for the level of FSH to fall greatly following ovulation?
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For ovulation when the oocyte is discharged high level of following hormones is required LH and?

LH (luteinizing hormone) surge triggers ovulation by inducing the release of the oocyte from the ovarian follicle. Additionally, high levels of estrogen also play a crucial role in promoting ovulation by stimulating the production of LH.

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What is estrogen level supposed to be right before ovulation?

LH (luteization hormone).24 hours before ovulation.

An increase in the hormone FSH at approximately day 14 causes ovulation?

No, ovulation happens due to rising in LH level .

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Yes. Depo Provera changes the level of sex hormones. It is meant to prevent ovulation. YOu can't rely on ovulation tests while using hormonal birth control.

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We assume people thnk and behave in logical and rational ways, but this depends greatly on the individual. The amount of control we percieve to have, has a great effect on self efficacy. (we do not always follow specific stages and often are not rational thinkers) We assume people thnk and behave in logical and rational ways, but this depends greatly on the individual. The amount of control we percieve to have, has a great effect on self efficacy. (we do not always follow specific stages and often are not rational thinkers)

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What are abstraction level of programming of multimedia?

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The ability to modify a scheme definition in one level without affecting a scheme definition in next higher level is called data independence there are two types of data independence physical data independence:- refers to the ability to modify the scheme followed at the physical level without affecting the scheme followed at logical level logical data independence:- refers to the ability to modify the conceptual scheme without affecting the schemes followed at view level logical independence is difficult to achieve

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