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Because When You Drink Liquids Such As Water, Juice Etc... You Tend To Use The Toilet, And That's Because When It Passes Through Your System E.G Stomach, Bladder, Kidneys, Intestines. It Desolves And Makes A Smelly, Yellow Liquid Called 'Urine' .

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13y ago
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13y ago

your kidneys filter blood and the waste travels down the ureters (long tubes) to the blatter were the urine is stored until you are ready to pee. When you are, you relax musules in your blatter and the urine flows out of your body through a tube called the urethra.

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12y ago

The urinary system is a vital part of the human body that is primarily responsible for balancing water and certain electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, helping regulate blood pressure and removing a waste product called urea from the blood.

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12y ago

It is part of the bodies waste removal system. Water cleanses toxins, dead cells and various water soluble substances from your blood stream and deposits the left over liquid in your bladder.

When the bladder is near full you will need to pee and expel the liquid waste.

You may also feel the urge to pee if there is pressure on the bladder from other parts of the body due to obesity, pregnancy or simply sitting in odd positions.

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14y ago

We urinate after we eat or drink because we absorb the vitamins and nutrients we can use and expel the rest. It also helps with regulating body temperature.

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15y ago

because... if you didn't, all the liquids you drank would be stored inside of you. and you would explode.

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8y ago

To remove toxins and other harmful things from your blood

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It's important so you don't need to make extra stops to use the bathrooms on the way.

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Can you urinate?

Yes. All animals and humans can urinate.

What is a sentence for the word urinate?

To urinate means to pass waste from the kidneys. Here are some sentences.Don't urinate on the flowers!Animals urinate wherever they feel like it.Women usually urinate sitting down, but men usually do so standing.

Can you urinate on the keyboard?

of course you can urinate on the keyboard, it is better for the keyboard.

Do prairie dogs urinate?

Yes, all dogs urinate.

Can a male urinate during an errection?

You can still urinate during an erection.

Why do you think we need to urinate?

I think we need to urinate to get the waste out of our bodies.

Did dinosaurs urinate?

Dinosaurs did Urinate. Water is dinosaur wee purified!

Is it illegal to urinate outdoors?

It is illegal in many places to urinate in public.