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prevenion is better than cure

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Q: Why is it important to learn how to prevent diseases and viruses?
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Related questions

Where can I learn about blood diseases online?

To get educated about blood diseases one could visit a doctor specialized in blood and its diseases and ask him about them and how to prevent them in the first place.

Do vaccines work against viruses and bacteria?

No. Vaccines are not used for treatment. They are used as prevention.

Why do you think it is important to learn how bacteria cause disease?

It is important to know how the bacteria cause the diseases. It is the strategic move to know your enemy. That is how it is possible to tackle the same in better way. You study every thing about the bacteria. How they cause the diseases is part of that.

Why is it important to study World War 2?

So we can learn how cruel people can be and to prevent from making the same mistakes again.

Why life science is beneficial to living things?

Life sciences is an important subject because people can learn more about nature. The field is also important to stop diseases from occurring in human.

What do scientist learn about animals?

They learn about diseases Take a chimp for example scientists use chimps so that they can discover about diseases that can spread to humans.

How can you find more information about sick people?

You can find information about sick people and disease outbreaks online from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) or WebMD websites. On the site, you can browse by diseases and viruses and learn more information about them.

The best virus removal software?

McAfee has the best virus removal software. It will also be good to learn how to remove virus files manually as some viruses will prevent you from using anti virus software.

How is biology helpful to us?

Biology is most helpful in the medical feild. It gives them an awareness about diseases and how to cure them. Also is important to learn about ourselves as well.

What are the most deadly muscle diseases?

Simple and easy guide teaching you how to be free from Kidney Stones. Learn how they <a href=''>Kidney stones</a> form, different types, how to pass and prevent them.

What are Living organisms that cause disease?

Bacteria, amoeba, molds. learn more on ----

Conclusion for microbial diseases?

the things what we learn from microbial