only female moths can spread it
just deal with it because the only person that you can control is YOU Accept the fact that there is nothing wrong with YOU. People change and tastes change and the world is a fluid place. Keep on doing whatever makes YOU happy.
You either develop another relationship or accept the fact that he communicates with other people over the web. You either develop another relationship or accept the fact that he communicates with other people over the web.
Most on line PHD programs will not accept dissertation as the only requirement regionally accredited. They would also require things like special skills.
Atoms, of which all things are made are reeaaally small. That is one good reason why small things are important. (also because I'm only 5'8"!)
Delaware is the first state to accept the Constitution of the United States, and it is very small. In fact, Rhode Island is the only smaller state.
Only he can answer that question. He would probably say bi because he doesn't want to accept the fact he is gay.
They just passed a law that Chinese couples can only have one child.
It might be a hobbo because he only does things that are not important
No but then, most things that are "cool" are are only important to others not yoursef.
Curiosity is the only way to discover new things.
Yes they will accept you. The number of males in your family is not one of the things they care about. They may pull you out of combat if your other siblings are killed, (Saving Private Ryan) but they don't have to.