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Teenagers, like everyone else, need to be aware of the risk when they make decisions. They need to investigate possible dangers and negative consequences of their actions, and make logical decisions without thinking "That's never going to happen to me." It's important for them to learn this skill, because without it they do things like texting and driving (then they get in a car accident) or taking drugs (then they become addicts and ruin the rest of their lives).

There are a lot of risky behaviors which children are very unlikely to engage in, because they are constantly watched, and because they are just not ready or capable of most of those behaviors; they can't drive cars if their feet don't reach the pedals, they are not likely to initiate any real sexual activity since those instincts do not become active until puberty, they usually don't have enough money to engage in serious gambling, drug abuse, etc. It is not legal to sell alcohol or cigarettes to children, even if they did have enough money to buy those things. Children live in a kind of protective bubble, in effect.

Teenagers are just becoming old enough to engage in risky behavior, so that is the time when they need to learn about why it is risky, and how to protect themselves. All the risks of the dangerous adult world are opening up to teenagers.

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Maiya Legros

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Q: Why is it important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgable of it?
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Why its it is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledge about it?

to have respect

Why is it important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about the risk behaviour?

It is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behaviors so they can make informed decisions and understand the potential consequences. Being aware of these behaviors can help them avoid risky situations and make healthier choices for their well-being and future.

Why it is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour?

It is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviors because it can help them make informed decisions, avoid potential dangers, and protect their well-being. Understanding the consequences of risky behaviors can empower teenagers to prioritize their health and safety. Additionally, being knowledgeable about risky behaviors can help teenagers develop critical thinking skills and responsibly navigate peer pressure.

Why is it important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behavior?

It is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behavior so they can make informed decisions that prioritize their well-being. Understanding the potential consequences of risky behaviors such as substance abuse, unsafe sex, and dangerous activities can help teenagers protect themselves and make healthier choices. It also empowers them to navigate peer pressure and resist engaging in harmful behaviors.

Why is important for teenagers to investigate about risk behavior?

It is important for teenagers to investigate risk behavior so they can make informed decisions that promote their well-being and safety. Understanding the consequences of risky behaviors can help them avoid potential harm and make healthier choices in the long run. It also empowers them to develop critical thinking skills and take responsibility for their actions.

Why it is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behaviours?

It is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behaviors because it helps them make informed decisions and better understand the potential consequences of their actions. This knowledge empowers them to make healthier choices and avoid harmful behaviors that may have long-lasting negative effects on their well-being. Understanding these risks also allows teenagers to develop critical thinking skills and build resilience to resist peer pressure.

Why it is important for teenagers to investigate and knowledgeable about risk behaviour?

It is important for teenagers to investigate and educate themselves about risk behaviors in order to make informed decisions that can protect their health and well-being. Being knowledgeable about potential risks allows teenagers to understand the consequences of their actions and make choices that promote their physical, emotional, and social development. Additionally, understanding risk behaviors can help teens navigate peer pressure and seek help or support when needed.

Why is it important for teenagers to invistigate and be knowledgeable of risk behaviour?

It is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risk behaviors because it helps them make informed decisions, understand potential consequences, and develop critical thinking skills. This knowledge empowers them to navigate challenging situations and avoid potential harm.

Why is it important for teenagers to investigate about risk behaviour?

Investigating risk behaviors helps teenagers to make informed decisions and understand the potential consequences of their actions. It promotes self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and responsible behavior, ultimately leading to healthier and safer life choices.

Why teenagers are important to country?

Teenagers is the assets of every country so he is important in every country.

Why is it important for teenagers to investigate risk behaviour and be knowedgeable about it?

to have respect

Why is important for teenager to investigate and be knowledgeable about it?

to have respect