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before you know it, you'll be handing out sweet, sweet treats from the back seat of your blacked out Chevy van to unsuspecting little fat kids (if you're into fat kids)

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Q: Why is it illegal to give away sweets in the classroom?
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It is illegal to give away AQW accounts. Assuming you read the Terms and Conditions (I only read a bit :D) you would know that you do not own the account and therefore it is illegal to give away your account.-King 1658

Does pain medications cause you to crave sweets?

lord no that is just your head and u never take medicines when you dont need them now that will makew you really hungry all the time

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no it is not if they are not babies

What color did tartazine give to the sweets or drinks?

It turned the sweets and drink a yellow colours.

Why do you get sweets on Halloween?

because romans used to give sweets to celebrate the dead

Is it illegal to give pain pills away?

If it is prescription then yes. If it's something OTC like Advil, then no.

Are all sweets bad for you?

yes they give you cavities

What will make your son be quiet?

give him money for sweets

What color does tartrazine give the sweets?

It turns them yellow.

What foods give us sugar?

chocolate and sweets

Is the Spooky Sweets & Treats: Halloween Gift Basket good for a party?

It would be rather expensive to give away as a party gift, its more than less a gift for a child.