Why study rat's internal and external structures? "For the pure sake of learning new things", could be one answer. We need to study external and internal structures of a rat in order to acquire correct knowledge about rats.
Now for a selfish answer. Since human beings are so much like rats, when we know something more about rats, we nearly always have learned something about ourselves.
More so in the past, but still today, we have less moral dilemna in doing testing on rats than on our fellow human beings. In other words, we are willing to cage them, perform experiments that cause irritation, great discomfort or death to a rat that we feel compelled not to when testing ideas with humans. We generally feel that it is immoral to give a human a condition and then to experiment with it. However, we generally don't feel that it is so immoral to give a rat a condition and then to subsequently try to experiment with it.
The rat in this last context is a model of a human. what surprises most people is how good a model a rat has been to us. In other words, we are a lot like a rat.
1. is the study of internal and external structures of the body and the physical relationships among body parts.
The difference between internal and external validity is in their nature. Internal validity indicates if a study depicts relation between two variables. External validity on the other hand generalizes the study of the variables.
The study of the functions of the structures of the body is known as physiology no the study of the body structure is : the anatomy
External validity is the extent that results from a study generalize to other people, places, and situations--how well the findings stand outside the study and the extent to which they can be replicated. The internal validity is that extent to which the study's design enables it to measure and study what it intends to study.
because the rat is very close to the human body and to assist the learning student with identification of these structures and systems
the internal and external environment of the company discernible in the case.
Yes. Internal validity is whether or not the experiment is studying what it intends to. External validity is whether or not the study can be generalised outside of the study. For example, if you had a perfect experiment set up, that measures something perfectly, then it will have internal validity. You haven't, however, shown that you would get the same results in different cultures, or in different time periods. Thus the experiment may not have external validity.
the study of the internal structure of words in a language
The scope and limitations of a study will be influenced by the factors that affect the subject of study. These are internal and external factors which cause direct and indirect influence on the subject.
The scope and limitations of a study will be influenced by the factors that affect the subject of study. These are internal and external factors which cause direct and indirect influence on the subject.
Anatomy is about the structure of the body. Zoology is about practically everything related to animals, their internal structure and habits.