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That sounds disgusting, but many cultures have their own traditions, thankfully, it is not one familiar in Western European/North American cultures.

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Q: Why is it good luck to eat the placenta?
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How do you keep a placenta of a cat somewhere safe for good luck?

Sun dried, then placed in something to make sure it never gets wet. It is good luck if the cat purposely gives it to you. Cannot say if it is good luck any other way.

What is a level 4 placenta?

It is code for the position of the placenta in the womb. A placenta across the opening of the uterus and the baby is on top will need a cesearean section. a ultrasound will tell the doctor the positioning and will assist him/her in planning your delivery. good luck joymaker rn

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Well technically they eat food, GOOD LUCK!

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Any amount will bring good luck. Hopefully you won't just eat one, though ;)

Is placenta good for hair?

Placenta is good for you rhair. I tried it and it made it shiny and thicker.

Can you eat root beer?

lol Good luck!

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Is it true that some people eat the placenta?

Yes! Unbelievably some people who believe certain things do eat the placenta after the baby is born! ergh!

Is animal placenta halal to eat?

Eating human placenta contributes to cannibalism, therefore no, it's NOT halal

Can you eat your placenta?

You can absolutely eat your placenta. Even better, you can sometimes find people who will dehydrate and encapsulate your placenta so you can take it in pill form. It is a wonderful way to return nutrients to your body and stabilize post partum hormones. Just tell the nurses beforehand that you want your placenta saved!!

How do you make a good shelter in the woods?

Gather as much sticks as you can. Then eat them. Good luck!