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It's dangerous because - when someone is unconscious, their gag reflex doesn't work. This means that - if you give them something to drink - the fluid will go into their lungs instead of down to their stomach - causing them to literally drown !

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Q: Why is it dangerous to give an unconscious person something to drink?
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it depends if they have just fainted or if they are going to be out for a while, it also depends on the situation. If the person faints you should rub their hands and arms and try to get circulation running. also they should be on a relatively flat surface and after they wake up, give them some food. Nothing too heavy, maybe something like crackers, and also something to drink. Something that has suger in it so that their glucose levels will stabilize.

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It is secretly putting something into someone's drink that may do them harm. So it could be putting some alcohol into a normal drink or even putting a drug into a drink. It is a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do.

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The question is "is it harmful to drink if a person has asthma?".Well when you say DRINK do you mean alcohal? Because if you are asking is it harmful to drink alcohal if you have asthma no. But it is harmful to your liver and you shouldn't drink.AnswerWell no it isn't really harmful for a person to drink if they have asthma but if you get really drunk it can effect you emotional being and it can trigger something.

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It is secretly putting something into someone's drink that may do them harm. So it could be putting some alcohol into a normal drink or even putting a drug into a drink. It is a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do.

Is sharing a drink with someone dangerous?

it depends on what is in the drink and it is when you have a disease too.

Is it dangerous to drink milk?

generally no.

Is it dangerous to drink vodka with cinnamon?

There is no proof that drinking vodka and cinnamon is dangerous.

Is it dangerous to drink a whole energy drink in 1 or 2 minutes?

It would be dangerous to drink it in one minuite since there is a lot of acid on your throat and can burn it so you have to go to hospital.