because the alcohal can affect your brain & Make you feel slightly sleepy & you won't be able to concantrate much.
Because alcohol (and other drugs) slows your reaction time down and reduces your sense of judgement. Operating a car while being slow and not thinking clearly will make you far more prone to cause an accident, which obviously isn't a good thing.
When you drink alcohol it sometimes gives you a feeling of confidence. That is false confidence, so you might think you are okay to drive. Alcohol impairs your brain's chemistry, and it impairs your judgement while operating a motor vehicle. Therefore, you have this feeling you are invincible. It is very dangerous; drink responsibly and don't drive after drinking.
Drinking alcohol in moderation is fine.Safety becomes an issue when we over indulge.Alcohol affects our ability to concentrate and focus on what we are doing.For example it becomes dangerous to operate machines, drive cars, or even walk.
It is not legal in Alberta to drive a motor vehicle with an open container of alcohol. This law also affects the passenger who is drinking alcohol.
Drinking any alcohol may be dangerous to your baby. There has been no 'safe' amount of alcohol identified that does not cause fetal alcohol syndrome.
Yes. You haven't consumed any alcohol.
Yes and No. It depends on the drug.
Drive. Work on machinery
For more info on this subject go to the related link below (The Facts, Binge drinking and alcohol abuse)
Drinking petroleum would unquestionably be more dangerous than drinking alcohol, ounce for ounce. Mixing the two (drinking and driving) is not a good idea, either. Apart from that, your question is pointless.
Drinking large amounts of alcohol while pregnant causes.fetal alcohol syndrome,which includes mental retardation,heart problems.growth deficiency.experts warned that binge drinking early in pregnancy was dangerous even if the woman quit drinking later