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Q: Why is it bad to start the pendulum too high or too low?
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Why should bob of simple pendulum be kept near the floor?

Keeping the bob of a simple pendulum near the floor reduces the potential energy of the pendulum system, making it less likely to swing with a high amplitude and potentially cause damage or injury. It also reduces the risk of the pendulum hitting the ceiling and disrupting the motion.

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What increases the period of a pendulum?

Making the length of the pendulum longer. Also, reducing gravitation (that is, using the pendulum on a low-gravity world would also increase the period).

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A vibrating simple pendulum does not produce any sound because it oscillates at very low frequencies.

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The length of a pendulum changes with temperature variations in the environment. In summer, as the temperature rises, the pendulum's length increases, causing it to lose time (swing slower). In winter, as the temperature drops, the pendulum's length decreases, causing it to gain time (swing faster).

Does gravity change at high altitude?

Yes, gravity does decrease slightly at higher altitudes above the Earth's surface due to the increase in distance from the Earth's center. However, this change is minimal and would not be noticeable in day-to-day activities at typical altitudes.

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