They sleep in beds. Or on the sofa if it was a late night.
Alot of children do goto sleep late.
Go to sleep baby!! It's late night.
Sleeping late at night without much stress or depression is not bad for high blood pressure.
because you lose a lot of sleep and have eyebags. It is extremely bad for your health
Since you define it as "to much" and beeing "late at night" I would say the short term consequense is lack of sleep, or disturbed sleep pattern that night. however, if you do this every night, you could be an early diabetic. Stop eating to much sugar. :-)
well... getting alot of sleep is good, but when you stay up late and sleep in you will probably stay up late the next night and sleep in later then you will go to bed even later and wake up even later.... so sometimes it can be good and sometimes bad. I would know; in the summer I would stay up all night and sleep all day when school came, the night before i took sleeping pills went to bed at 10:30 pm and woke up at 3:00 am and didnt go back to sleep till 10:45 the next night. jessica miller
Regardless of the actual amount of sleep gotten daily, the body has an internal clock (the circadian cycle) where the eyes receive sunlight and transmit impulses to the pineal gland in the brain as to when to release hormones. One of these hormones linked to sleep regulation is melatonin, whose effects you are overriding when you are active or awake at night. The "bad" hormone you reference is probably cortisol, also called the "stress hormone." Many studies on late night workers have shown that the cumulative effects over months and years of night shift have a negative effect on overall health and longevity. For this reason it is recommended that night shifts be relegated to short (under six months) durations, especially in adults over 40 years old.
Going to sleep late still impacts your internal body clock, known as circadian rhythm, which can have negative effects on your health. The hormone typically secreted at night that can be harmful when you don't get enough sleep is cortisol, which can disrupt metabolic processes and immune function.
Working out at a late night gym can offer benefits such as fewer crowds, more privacy, and a quieter environment for focused exercise. Additionally, it can help with stress relief and promote better sleep after a late-night workout.
its not bad to sleep with a bra on..its just a myth when people say that your boobs wont grow if you wear a bra on at night. You can't get cancer from it but if you wear a wire bra it's not good for the breast tissue to be squeezed in all night. It is better to sleep without.
Too much sleep is definitely bad for you, it makes you gain weight. And you are also missing out on meals, and when you get up your going to just want to eat, it wont be in different portions. I recommend 8-10 hours of sleep every night. However, if we sleep 7 hours a day, that can also be bad for us. I sleep 9 hours every night, and I have woke up healthy for the past 29 years. Just sleep for 8-10 hours every night, and everything will be just right :)