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its a good idea to see a health CARE provider before beginning a fitness program so you know about your health problems or anything else before you start your program

Daniel Matthew Jenkins

from:nicolas orem middle school

thank you and i hope you get a A+ <3

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Hey try this URL, hope it helps!!



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So he can check if you have any heart problems or other health problems, that could make it dangerous for you to start exercising at a heavy level.

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12y ago

To check for preexisting conditions that would make some exercises dangerous

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because is the most important for our life.

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Q: Why is it a good idea to see a health care provider before beginning a fitness program?
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It's not necessary to consult your doctor before starting a fitness program unless you have serious health issues, then in that case you might want to check with your doctor first.

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Your physical condition at the beginning of the program: Current weight, current other daily activities, time available to dedicate to your program, your likes and dislikes (no sense starting an exersize program that includes running if you don't like to run) but if you like sports, consider taking up an active sport. If you are out of shape it is always best to talk to your doctor before beginning any excersize program. Along with excersize, eating the proper diet is just as important.

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Everyone, especially those over 60, should consult their doctor before beginning an exercise program. Starting slowly is a good idea, and doing cardio in conjunction with weight training will yield the best results. Even women who aren't in great shape can benefit from a program that begins with a simple walking program.

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Before beginning any exercise program, an evaluation by a physician is recommended to rule out any potential health risks. Once health and fitness are determined, and any or all physical restrictions identified, an individual's exercise.

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Before starting any exercise program be sure to check with your doctor first. Always warm up before you start. There are several sites which will show you exercises that you may is Fitness Workouts

What type of fitness program can improve heart health?

Start by finding a cardio fitness program for beginners, such as walking, running, or any of the types of programs listed at These will allow you to build up your strength and endurance before moving on to more difficult programs.

Safely Starting A Fitness Program?

Overweight individuals are at great risk for heart attack, stroke and many other health problems. In addition, obesity can be a source of personal distress and societal discrimination. All overweight people should immediately institute a fitness program, but must do so safely and cautiously. Before beginning a diet or exercise plan, individuals should consult with their doctor. In addition, those who do too much exercise too soon are at risk of experiencing serious injury.

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Easy Fitness Program?

It is easy and free to design your own fitness program with four simple rules. The first rule is stretch daily. Good stretches are slow and never bouncy. The second rule is get strong. Simple body weight exercises like push ups and crunches work. Do strength training twice weekly. Gradually add exercises and increase repetitions. The third rule is make your heart strong. Walking is a great cardio exercise. Do at least 30 minutes of cardio training five to seven days a week. The fourth rule is eat well. Watch calories. The best foods are lean proteins, whole grain carbohydrates and fruits and vegetables. That is fitness simplified. Consult your doctor before beginning any fitness program.