Alcohol actually dehydrates you, thus the point of replenishing the fluid that you need would be lost.
It is a tradition in parts of Europe that drinking beer increases breast size due to the hops which beer contains. This tradition has not been substantiated in modern times, but it remains a popular idea even if evidence for it has not been forthcoming. Hops remains a popular and common ingredient in herbal breast enhancement formulations. However, there is no proof that beer will increase breast size.
Drinking a whole lot of water, and intravenous fluids. Although, drinking a whole lot of water sounds like a bad idea, it's not. However, if one is already in the throes of dehydration, intravenous fluids are a better option. See a doctor in that case.
If you drank ninety-nine bottle of beer in a relatively short amount of time, you would probably die of alcohol poisoning. However, if this amount of beer was drunk over a long period of time, it would not result in death. Nevertheless, drinking beer is generally not a recommended course of action, because alcohol is capable of impairing judgement, as well as causing irrevocable liver damage. Furthermore, drinking beer during pregnancy may result in FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). In conclusion, drinking ninety-nine bottles of beer is not a good idea.
i have no idea. i hate root beer
Oh ... oh my gosh, I can't believe it. Someone asked for an antonym for a word that actually has an antonym; do you have any idea how rare that is?The antonym for replenish is "deplete".
I have no idea from Sammy vazque
Obviously, a man that was tired of drinking all the time, "Root Beer is just not sweet enough! I must make something that people will buy now, then add corn syrup to everything that has anything to do with sugar!
Not much. Check eBay for a reasonable idea or try to sell it on eBay (use a large reserve if you don't really want to sell it).
never! not usually a good idea.
Is a bad idea, but usually not illegal.
Yes, it is a dangerous idea.
Because Beer was a bad Idea