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Strokes are commonly caused by clots blocking a cerebral artery, and heparin would prevent more clots from forming. In contrast, you want clots to form in hemorrhages to stop the bleeding.

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Q: Why is heparin used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombotic strokes but contraindicated in a subarachnoid hemorrhage?
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What is thrombotic purpura?

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What is thrombotic occlusion?

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What does TTP stand for?

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP). It's a rare blood disorder that effects your platlets and organs

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thrahm BAH tic. Rhymes with robotic in the last two syllables. First syllable rhymes with the name "Tom."

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What is A thrombotic occlusion?

A thrombotic occlusion occurs when a blood clot forms and blocks a blood vessel. This blockage can prevent normal blood flow to tissues and organs, potentially leading to serious health complications such as heart attack or stroke. Treatment usually involves medications to dissolve the clot or procedures to remove it.

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There are a number of researches that study the use of ultrasound in phonocardiography. An ultrasound may be used to identify thrombotic formations in the mechanical heart valves.

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Inga Marie Nilsson has written: 'Haemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases' -- subject(s): Blood coagulation disorders, Hemophilia