"Health information management is important to preserve and protect a patients safety and privacy. It serves as a wonderful bridge between doctors, hospitals and other care givers to insure the best care possible with the use of data collection and reporting systems."
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Health Information Management
Health Information MangementHealth Information Management (HIM)Health Information Manager
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American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
A Registered Health Information Administrator is someone who has obtained a bachelors degree in health information management and has become a certified RHIA. This includes passing an exam administered by the American Health Information Management Association.
Health information management is NOT a large part of today's healthcare facility.
ensuring the quality and accuracy of health information..
in school
One can find information about health information management jobs from professional associations like the Maryland Health Information Management Association. Additionally, one can find information about these kinds of jobs from career resource websites like Career Builder and Kaplan.
health information management
Many companies in the United Kingdom provide health information management software. Companies like Alliance Healthcare, BMI Healthcare and Bayer UK/Ireland all offer health information management software.