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because if u dont follow the tips of health one will suffer from diseases

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2y ago

Most the sickness and situations may be protected or managed through the suitable hygiene

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Q: Why is health hygine is important for us?
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Why is it important to know about public health?

for hygine issues

What are the component of sanitation and how do we accelerate sanitation?

its a hygine we should keep our health good

Why is health important to oneself?

Because it help us to be fit. It also help us to our Physical health, social health, and mental health.

What is the importance of sanitation?

it is essential for the sake of public health

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Because the smoking can affect our health seriously. So it is important for us not to smoke.

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Reproductive health is important because it help us to know about our reproductive parts and take proper care of our reproductive health.

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For personal hygine.

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They both are high in nutrients that are essential to our health.

Does and do not for oral hygine?

brush and floss properly every day.

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Good hygine.

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health care reform

Why is it that sanitation in eating and drinking in establishments is very important?

because it will help us to our health