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Q: Why is having enough rest is healthy?
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To get kids healthy on on Sims 2, all you have to do is maintain their health by letting them rest, eat enough, and keep their mood up by giving them enough time to play.

What can I do to stay healthy with diabetes?

To stay healthy with diabetes, you can do a lot of morning exercises, eat the right foods for your diabetic diet, and get enough sleep and rest for your body.

What are the factor that contribute a healthy lifestyle?

Getting enough rest, engaging in physical activity and getting proper nutrition.

Disqualified from the Iditarod?

you can be disqualafied by not having healthy enough dogs, not having the tools and supplies, or not meeting qualifications. during the race you can be kicked out of the race (which is called being scratched) by not having enough dogs or having an injury yourself. check out for more

How do you take care of the immune system?

Get enough rest,Drink plenty of water, and Practice safe sex

What Keep an athlete healthy?

Athletes need to get enough rest, eat a proper diet, and train with someone so they don't injure themselves.

What helps keep an athlete healthy?

Athletes need to get enough rest, eat a proper diet, and train with someone so they don't injure themselves.

What are the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle?

List 10 benefits to having a healthy lifestyle.

Why is eating a healthy breakfast so important?

Keeps you going

How do you know when you are well?

the six basic needs of a human body arefood and water: having a good appetitte and hunger, having proper digestion and good quantity of water as per the requirementair: good and easy breathingsleep and wakefullness: sound sleep and waking up early and healthy and freshevacuation and excretion: having good bowel habits and passing urine without any difficultyphysical movements and rest: able to move around physically, sit and standmental movements and rest: able to think and judge rightfully with all sensesis all that decides a healthy state of body and a healthy state of mind

What causes of not having a menstrual for a year?

anorexic women or intense female athletes might not have periods because their bodies are not healthy enough to nurture a growing fetus.