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Q: Why is gray hair coarse?
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Give a sentence with the word coarse?

I could feel the difference in the coarse gray hairs my mother-in-law left hanging around the house and my wifes baby soft brown hair. I could feel the difference in the coarse gray hairs my mother-in-law left hanging around the house and my wifes baby soft brown hair.

What is coarse hair?

coarse hair is thick hair

When do you use coarse in a sentence?

Example sentence(s) - The salt is coarse ground. She has long, coarse hair.

How do you get coarse hair soft?

Coarse hair is often the result of over using products and straighteners. in order to help coarse hair, you should use intensive treatment conditions, apply this twice each time you wash your hair for added effect. Hair masks ( such as in the herbal essences range) will also help coarse hair by renewing lost moisture in the hair. If you do use lots of hair products ( such as hair spray) or straighten hair lots, give your hair a rest from using them, as they will only damage hair further.

what is the homonym for coarse or hair?


What happens when you pluck a gray hair?

Nothing happens when you pluck a gray hair

Is there any such thing as gray hair or does the hair simply look gray because of the mixture of colored and white hairs?

There is something called gray hair as there is both black , white and that hair in between black and white is seen as gray hair.

How does one grow coarse hair?

There is a myth here that you should shave in order for the hair that grows back afterwards to be coarse. This may be true, so you should shave and when it grows back, it would be coarse.

Is gray hair dead hair?

Gray hair is not dead hair. It is hair that has lost its pigment, resulting in a gray or white color. The hair follicle is still alive and continues to grow, but with less pigment production.

What cause coarse hair?

Genetics and age.

Can you shampoo hair with strep throat?

Of coarse

Why does people hair turn gray when they get old?

Hair turns gray as people age due to a decrease in melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving hair its color. As we age, our hair follicles produce less melanin, causing hair to appear gray or white.