Studies show that people with many good relationships/friendships with people will live longer and be less prone to developing depression.
The meaning of true friendship means being there for your friend in sickness and in good health.
Yes you can but if you do, then there is more wrong with the friendship than you can handle. If a friendship is causing stress, it may be time to get out of the friendship or seek professional help for you or your friend.
I believe that argument is good for a good friendship as you can freely say what you feel and there is no restrictions..
a friendship is a very good relationship between two friends/mates and if you can share secrets and stuff thn you have a good friendship
Friendship is always there for me, friends are the best, friendship is always good, Friends are Always there for me, i hate making titles dont you?
Health for the friendship
it maybe there health
You need trust, loyalty, and time to have a good and strong friendship.
No, you cannot buy friendship, friendship is a natural thing, you cannot force it, all you need is a good heart to get the friendship you need.
if you are risking your friendship and its a good friendship let her make a move first
It is good onl if the friend is kind and nice.